Tuesday, May 31, 2011



a person dat spends joy moments with me..
a person dat i'll alwayz see..
even when i close my eyes..
i miss YOU n i luv YOU..
a gurl dat brings luv in my life..
a gurl dat see me..
i'll take care of matter wat it is..
i'm longing 4 u..ill waiting 4 u..
in every breath dat i takes..
lets make diz moments last 4 eternity..
u dat hve been send by Allah..
2 become the person dat i luv the most..
i luv u 4 eva..
only YOU !
ur luv..ur smile..i only think about it..
i want 2 live with ur happiness n ur pain..
i want 2 share it..
i cry coz i luv u..
if i go away i still luv u..
wanna make diz moments last..
with a person dat so important..
it's u Ms.Sayang..



erm nie la ble da jd nye ble xleh tdo kn?
cm2 rse nk xmmpu.. :(
Ms.Sayang,enak nye kamoo tdo skunk..
leh xnk kaco skit?skit je..
sumpah xbyk..plz3? :(
npe mte nie xdpt nk lelap?rsau?cakit?ssah ati?
erm yela kot bnde nie sume yg aku rse..
tah bosan je ble aku ade feeling2 yg cmni..
Ms.Sayang,leh xsy nk ade ngn awk skunk?
sy xthu ape yg sy prlu kn awk.. :(
sy xleh nk tdo nie..
pale sy pning..prot sy cakit..ati sy xcdap..
ape kne ngn sy nie ha?
sy hope sy dpt tdo coz esok sy kn ade klaz..
tp npe xngntok lg nie?
da kul 2am lbih da..
tah la ape nk jd ngn dri aku nie ! ggrrr !
btw sy rndu kt awk la Ms.Sayang.. :)

Monday, May 23, 2011



stat from today mybe aku akn stop m'update jap..
coz ade pre-test la..
so kne la stdy kn?klu xstdy cmne nk pass?
jpe Mr.Fail la nnti..huahuahua..
nauzubillah..xnk la jpe die..
klu xlingkup la aku..ape aku nk kte kt parents aku?
oo tidakk..maen jaoh2 ok?
jgn dekati aku..
huhuhu..erm da xde ape aku nk mrapu..
bosan,dok bla bla bla kt sni je la..
Ms.Sayang aku tgh bz..
so,xleh kaco die..hehehe..
biar die ciap keje die dlu..
2 Ms.Sayang..jge dri leklok tau?
uat keje 2 jgn lpe org di sni.. :p
k la tata all.. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011



assalamualaikum.. :)
erm now da feel better la..
klu xok xde mkne nye nk on9 n update blog nie..
alhmdllah..thx allah.. :D
pg td ingt nk kol Ms.Sayang smpai die bgn..
k'betulan aku bgn awl ingt nk kejot die skali..
tp pas bpe kli kol n die xagkt aku pon rse laen mcm da..
aduh..migrain aku dtg blk?cakit woo..
jgn maen2..pas solat 2 da xthan sgt aku g telan 2 bjik pnadol..
pas 2 msj Ms.Sayang ckp xleh kol smpai die bgn..
coz da xthan nk pcah pon ye gak..
n then aku pon tdo..
smpai la Ms.Sayang aku kejot bgn solat zohor..
hehehe..thx ye dear.. :)
tp seyezly cakit tau..
allah je yg thu..

agk nye cmni la mke aku time 2 an?hahaha..
ape pon rpe nye aku tetap aku ! wah !

Saturday, May 21, 2011



hehehe..tjok post cm rjin gle an?
xde la rjin mne pon..hahaha..
nie smlm pny cite la..
pas solat jumaat g m'cekik dlu..omputeh kte ''lunch''..
pas da mkn2 2 g la klaz..smbung m'nuntut ilmu la..
tup2 da kul 5 lbih..
da jnji ngn Ms.Sayang aku nk uat smethng sharp kul 5..
da 2 madam aku 2 lak bajet rjin..
bgitu b'sggoh2 die ajar aku ptg 2..xsdar overtiming..
hahaha..pas 2 aku da resah glisah da nie..
yela kang Ms.Sayang aku cdih la aku xuat ape yg aku da jnji..
adoyai..cmne nie..ok alhmdllah 5 lbih 2 kuar la gak..
smpai madam aku leh ckp ''la npe u all xgthu da lbih kul 5''..
erm mmg leh sbnar nye ckp ngn madam cm 2..
sabo je la..b'bekal kn moto LC aku yg b'no plat W*Q *1*8..
aku pon kuar la cri ape yg ptot..
tbe2 smpai 1 tmpat tyar aku pncit..
huh ! damn ! da 2 aku msj Ms.Sayang ckp xleh nk uat..
aku thu die msti cdih..cian kt die..
Ms.Sayang,sory ok?
n then aku ngn prasaan yg b'cmpor baur tolak la moto 2 smpai hostel..
jenoh awok eh..jaoh kot..
tp xpe la..tolak pny tolak smpai la mgrib..
da smpai hostel 2 aku g solat dlu..
pas da solat kol Ms.Sayang aku say sory kt die..
nyway thx Ms.Sayang coz pham situation sy.. :)
iloveyousodamnmuch ! :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

epy bufday Ms.Sayang.. :D


DEAR,U're alwayz in my heart..
a very epy bufday 2 U..
with U I've shared my deepest secrets..
happiest moments ! up n down..
I feel so blessed 2 have some1 special like U who alwayz by my side..
sending U a bracelet as special as the bond we share..
I want 2 say dat a wonderful person like U is alwayz close 2 my heart..
wishing U a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
through the months we've shared so much..
U've been such a support me..
helping me in every way..
on diz special day I want 2 let U know dat..
SAYANG,I'll treasure n make sure U alwayz in my heart..
ur bufday is a celebration of the special bond we share..
sending U my sweet wishes 2 say hope ur day is wonderful as u r !
2 my wonderful gf who is also my best friend..
sending U a warm n loving wishes 4 today n alwayz..
Many many Happy Returns of the Day !
QASEH,U spread happiness all around with ur sweet n caring ways..
4 me U're not juz a beautiful but special in every way !
2 my dear who's my frend who gives me a hand 2 hold n alwayz hve a ear 2 lead..
2 my dear whom I shall nver part..
wishing U all the joy n hoping all ur dreams come true !
MANJA,U're my soulmate..n my companion..
some1 simply wonderful juz like U
BABY,some1 2 laugh with..share with..
some1 to give to..turn to..listen to..
some1 to care for..root for..n be there for..
we've smethng special dat belongs 2 U n me..
a deeper undrstanding dat we share insticntively..
a trusting kind frendship other people rarely sahre..
a way of alwayz knowing when the others needs us there..
we've smethng special n no matter wat we do either talking,laughing n sharing..
dat r wonderful shine we go through..
it is a special kind of love on which the two of us depends each other..
it is the love between two person become gf n bf..

Monday, May 9, 2011

ssah sgt ke?


ssah sgt ke awk?
ssah ke awk nk cye kte2 sy?
sy thu sy xde dpan mte awk skunk..
tp k'prcyaan awk sgt pnting..
klu awk ilang k'prcyaan kt sy ape gne sy di sisi awk?
maaf kn sy..